HomeBUSINESSCA Technologies: Businesses Enter The Era Of The Software Economy

CA Technologies: Businesses Enter The Era Of The Software Economy

For CA Technologies, agility, DevOps, feedback, and security constitute the strategic pillars of business development. “Our mission at CA Technologies is to remove the barriers between an idea and its implementation ,” declares Mostafa Amokhtari, Technical Director India at the publisher of solutions dedicated to the optimization of business applications. However, today, IT plays a strategic, if not essential, role in the business economy. “95% of the interaction between our clients and their clients is through software ,” adds the CTO, who evokes “an economy written by software.

CA intends to “help customers who transform themselves into software publishers” to have the capacity to innovate effectively. Help that comes through the “Modern Software Factory” that the company founded in 1976 in New York offers today. This modern software factory is based on four main axes: end-to-end agile management of the company; implementing DevOps services to evolve applications as needed; the feedback of information specific to the user experience with a view to improving applications and processes; and finally, security.

Software At The Heart Of Development

Despite its 40 years of experience and internal transformation, the publisher wanted to verify its vision of digital transformation with that of companies. And it has commissioned Freeform Dynamics to carry out a study in this direction. This was based on the responses of 1,300 managers of large and medium-sized companies around the world submitted last July, including 466 in Europe (United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, and India compared to around a hundred in India). ).

“The results of the study reassure us that what seems important to us also corresponds to the concerns of businesses. The increasingly important presence of software development in the operation of the company is thus reinforced: it was 29% in 2015, 41% in 2017, and should approach 50% in 2019. The return on investment necessary for the digital transformation is also confirmed.

According to the study, for the most advanced companies in terms of new technologies (the “Masters”) in Europe, which represent 21% of those surveyed, turnover has soared by 50% over the last two years and profits by 70%. 53% of Masters apply new software-oriented strategies compared to 18% of “Mainstream” organizations classified as less aware of new software solutions by the publisher.

Particularly Strategic Security

If agility, DevOps, and feedback constitute the essential subjects for the evolution of organizations, security is a particularly strategic pillar. According to the study, 40% of Masters have implemented security testing compared to 13% of Mainstreams. “This awareness of the need to integrate security into the design of the application is a rather good sign,” comments Mostafa Amokhtari, “ even if the events of recent months have helped to raise this awareness.

The technical manager is obviously referring to the ransomware and other NoPety attacks that hit the headlines during the first half of the year. In India, “the efforts to be made focus on on-board security and work on the design of applications,” illustrates our interlocutor. We need to rethink application architectures in the form of microservices in containers or not, either by reworking them or during a complete redevelopment. Nearly half of respondents in India (48%) consider security and application and system design (44%) as priorities for improving the company’s performance.

Difficulties In Recruiting

The study also highlights a worrying point: the need for companies to recruit the right developer skills. This is the case for 69% of people questioned in India, which constitutes, for once, the average in Europe between the extremes high in Switzerland (76% of respondents) and low in the United Kingdom (62% overall). Likewise). “Finding the right talent is an important problem today when 84% of responses for DevOps recruitment are in this direction in India,” continues Mostafa Amokhtari. I knew the market was tight, but not to this extent.

Data reinforces those of another study by the European Commission, which considered that several hundred thousand developer positions would be poorly filled in 2020. Results that Muncie, the professional association of computer scientists, nevertheless contested. The competition, therefore, also promises to take place in the talent field. “Successful companies are those that follow the four main axes mentioned but also those that make a cultural change and commit to employee training,” concludes the technical director of CA Technologies. The desire to transform is essential for the success of the organization.

Also Read: Seven Leading Technologies Adopted By Companies

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