HomeINTERNET OF THINGSHow The Internet Of Things Can Transform Marketing

How The Internet Of Things Can Transform Marketing

The Internet of Things (IoT) is already part of the reality of many people, changing our daily lives. But did you know that it is also transforming digital marketing?

After all, these technologies allow levels of engagement with consumers to be higher than ever, as companies receive near-instant feedback and have real-time insights into customer behavior.

Internet Of Things, What Is It?

The fridge can make the month’s shopping list for you, the clock knows when you take your medicine, the car knows the best route to work every day, and the hotel you stay in knows your temperature preference. Welcome to the Internet of Things!

Created in 1999, the Internet of Things generally refers to any physical device connected to the Internet. That is, anything (literally) that connects to the internet network, Bluetooth, infrared or dedicated network is part of this group, whether objects, animals or people.

It is important to emphasize that, with technological advances, such as the emergence of artificial intelligence, the range of items that fit the Internet of Things grows exponentially. Some examples of devices in this group are watches, cell phones, televisions, computers, appliances and even locks.

Internet Of Things And Digital Marketing: A Growing Relationship

Present in different areas, the Internet of Things expands into more and more spaces. These resources can currently be found in agriculture, cars, cities and smart homes, industry, health and education. Also, a significant area influenced by IoT is marketing.

Since the Internet of Things is synonymous with constantly connected, digital marketing benefits from these resources to improve performance. With more data collected from each consumer, it becomes easier to adapt communication between company and customer, reaching a more significant number of people.

Companies in the health, sports and automotive areas already use the Internet of Things to improve their services to the consumer experience. For example, doctors who manage to access their patient’s diet according to data from their fridge or a blood pressure graph that their innovative watch stores during physical activities.

In this way, the Internet of Things will allow digital marketing professionals to access more complete and rich information, allowing a closer interaction with consumers, resulting in brilliant and personalized content and actions. All this in real-time. After all, with instantaneous responses, it becomes easier for the company to intervene positively to achieve complete customer satisfaction.

Another advantage IoT offers is the constant presentation of the product, which can be performed at any time, especially when the customer is looking for something similar. And this is only possible by collecting data from users in real-time, enabling a more effective intervention.

How To Use The Internet Of Things To Grow Your Business

With excellent connectivity in the most diverse products, reaching the right customer at the right time becomes increasingly more accessible. After all, it is not uncommon to search on the Internet, and then different advertisements for similar products appear. Or, visit a place and receive an indication of similar places.

With this resource, it is possible to expand the number of customers of each company. With an increasingly comprehensive collection of online data, using digital marketing to reach new customers becomes more accessible when the Internet of Things is used for the benefit of the enterprise.

For example, information such as temperature preferences, music, movies and room service orders can result in marketing actions that send personalized emails suggesting restaurants in the city compatible with the dishes sent to the room. The bottom line is that your strategy and content will need to be even more sophisticated and personalized to get the attention and loyalty of consumers living in the Internet of Things era.

With the right resources and applications, it is possible to reach more and more people who are always connected, facilitating the marketing team’s work mainly because the content production will be directed to an audience with some affinity with your company.

The Internet Of Things And User Security

If, on the one hand, IoT increases the possibilities of digital marketing, on the other hand, there is the security of user information. And in this sense, there are technologies designed for the safety of always-connected people. And this point must be considered even before product development.

With this, the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) was enacted in the country, which is in force and provides for the protection of user data by the company. Thus, those who collect and use this data in different ways should take a closer look at this issue.

Also Read: Internet Of Things In Health: See How It Works

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