HomeTECHNOLOGYThe Role Of Networks In Technology

The Role Of Networks In Technology

A computer network comprises several machines and equipment that need to be linked together to fulfill their primary function. However, there are not only advantages to using it but also disadvantages.

The Advantages Of Computer Networks

The advantages offered by computer networks are numerous. They allow you to share files and have access to them even remotely. Proceed with recording, but also copy any files that may be useful, all thanks to a device specially designed to store data. It is also possible for anyone who wants to update all these stored files.

Ability To Share Resources

Sharing resources is also an undeniable asset and allows several people to use the same resources to access the Internet simultaneously if they wish. Another significant advantage is its ability to store a multitude of data. In addition, the creation of a server also allows for more storage. A method widely used by companies to avoid bugs.

The Bad Sides Of Computer Networks

The main disadvantages of computer networks are security concerns. A computer connected to a network would be more vulnerable to all kinds of attacks. A computer professional can quickly detect a password and obtain all the information he desires. Fortunately, there is software to secure a server so that secret files are not stolen. One of the greatest enemies of a computer is the computer virus, which can contaminate the entire network, that is to say, all the computers connected. Viruses can affect them quickly because of the interconnectedness of all workstations.

Our ambition is to integrate a professional network

We are a web agency whose main activity is the creation of websites.

In September 2018, we opened a new agency in Saint-Sébastien-sur-Loire. We needed to make ourselves known in the Nantes region, which is quite competitive. Within the professional network that we joined in January 2019, our sector of activity immediately generated a lot of enthusiasm from entrepreneurs. For what? Everyone we met had an internet problem (site creation, social networks, natural referencing) or knew someone who had a need.

Today, we only see advantages because our business has doubled in terms of turnover in 6 months. We increased our contacts and created authentic connections with people looking for the same thing as us: creating connections and business opportunities.

In 2022, we have 2 agencies in 2 different geographic areas. Five salespeople are each part of a professional network; this is the key to our visibility.

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What Are The Advantages?

Become Known

This is one of our primary motivations at the start because we said to ourselves, “Together, we are always stronger”! Joining a professional network means making sure you make your business known. Beyond the exchange of experiences, belonging to a professional network presents significant advantages for the company. As much to find new customers in a favorable context as partners to develop a project.

Be Stronger

Joining a network also means feeling less alone, gaining mental energy, galvanizing yourself and being motivated by the presence of other participants. You may be in a delicate situation, and a network member has already experienced the same situation as you. The network allows the sharing of experiences. We can easily talk about the problems encountered and find solutions together. This allows you to meet people and share experiences (very often similar), but also to increase business opportunities. By coming together in a network, managers are more vital, part of a positive dynamic and offer their company greater capacity for development than if isolated. The form of the meetings can vary (workshops, conferences, informal networking evenings, etc.). Still, the result is always the same: the network meeting offers the manager and his company an opening, representing a real growth engine!

Have A Commercial Force.

It all depends on the network you join, but the one we choose allows us to work every week, for example, on our pitch (the presentation of our company). It can seem heavy to appear every week before the same assembly. However, the goal is to move forward and make your activity clearly understood by others. We often think that our speech is rehearsed and that the terms used are understandable to everyone. It’s wrong! With all kindness, the network members will make you understand that your speech is unsuitable. And from week to week, your pitch will improve. This way, the other members will make it their own! The goal is for all members to be able to present their business to you! So, imagine there are 20 of us at each meeting, and we can all talk about the activities of the other 19! So you have 19 salespeople around them who will talk about you! They will be able to detect a need, highlight your know-how and recommend you.

Save Money

Some networks offer pooling to save money. They take the form of access to crucial account rates or offers of goods and services at shared costs. An excellent way to save money!

Integrating a professional network requires a budget when registering, but it pays off quickly when you get involved. Indeed, we get nothing for nothing. If you want to join this network, you must invest in it, but it is for a good cause.

What Are The Disadvantages?

We may disappoint you, but we don’t see any at the moment!

Getting up earlier one morning a week, being present at every meeting, getting involved in one-on-one meetings or even regularly recommending your colleagues can seem like a lot. But as we tell you, it’s beneficial! You need to establish a routine and understand that the time spent “networking” is part of your job.

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