HomeGADGETSWhat Is Hype Lapse Present In The Galaxy S23 Camera?

What Is Hype Lapse Present In The Galaxy S23 Camera?

Galaxy S23 Camera: Have you ever considered filming the stars in high quality without needing a professional camera? Know what the hyper-lapse of the Galaxy S23 is and what its capacity is.

A quality camera with different functions is the common denominator between primary and more demanding users when buying a cell phone. With the recent launch of Samsung’s new flagships, the Galaxy S23 Ultra stands out as the most advanced model of the South Korean brand, combining unique features and evolutions of previous versions. And one of these novelties is the Hyper lapse function in its set of cameras. 

What was once a distinguishing feature of an app, limited only to certain smartphones, now appears with a primary function of the new Galaxy S cell phone. Let’s talk about its usefulness, its origins, and what’s different about the version present on the Galaxy S23.

What Is Hyper Lapse

Hyper lapse can be considered a “sister” effect of Time lapse, which is widely known and used to display several images sequentially, showing an accelerated passage of time. Hyper lapse uses the same principle, a time lapse video in which the camera moves, being able to approach or distance itself from something. 

Like its sister effect, hyper-lapse comprises a set of videos with increased speed, recorded at 24 frames per second. With this, it is possible to generate this effect of the passage of time mixed with movement both near and far. It may even have variations in speed as well, with accelerated or normal moments. 

The difference between the two effects is relatively small. The time lapse build this sequence through photos or videos with little movement. At the same time, the hyper lapse is different because it shows a point of view capable of moving over greater distances. It is an exciting option for filming landscapes or “walking” with the camera. camera inside a location.

How Does This Hyper Lapse Relate To The Instagram App Of The Same Name?

In 2014, Instagram launched an exclusive iPhone app called Hyper lapse, one of the countless apps for specific features. And ironically, despite its name, it was an app focused on creating time-lapses with internal stabilization and options to record with different resolutions, frame rates, and speeds.

A person familiar with different types of video recordings could even do something close to the hyper-lapse effect with this application, which would depend on how the user moves the camera while shooting. But remembering, the focus of the application itself was to facilitate the production of time lapse, not hyper-lapse.

This and other similar apps, such as Boomerang, were discontinued and removed from the App Store in 2022. Both became obsolete as their functions were incorporated directly into Instagram and can be easily found within Stories and IGTV.

What The Galaxy 23’s Hyper Lapse Is Capable Of 

Speaking specifically of the Galaxy S23 cameras, one of the main attractions of the optical set is the evolution of technology called lithography, achieving better results in images in low light. The best possible outcome with this technology is present in the 200MP sensor of the S23 Ultra, capable of automatically adapting according to the light capture. And that’s precisely where the S23’s hyper-lapse stands out. 

Entitled “Astro Hyper lapse,” the function unites the ability to capture night images to create hyper lapses of the starry sky, which allows for a whole range of ideas for creative videos, such as recording dusk with the effect or a long sequence of a night landscape. 

This way to follow the stars can be done either at regular speed, which allows videos between 30 minutes to 5 hours in length or at the 300x speed option, ideal for showing a long passage of time in a video of up to 12 seconds in length. Duration. When selecting this speed option, the “Star Trails” function becomes available, indicating the possible “trails” of the stars, as seen in the image below:

Samsung recommends using a tripod to get more stable images and using the Camera Assistant application in the Galaxy Store. It is possible to use the 300x recording function for a longer time. As this function requires much of the device’s battery, with Camera Assistant, it is possible to configure the screen to save energy during recording by selecting the dimmed screen option.

The hyper-lapse of the Galaxy S23 is capable of recording videos in super HDR and is present in the base, Plus, and Ultra models. But the ideal experience with the function, without a doubt, takes place in the Ultra model, as it has the most robust set of cameras.

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