HomeCLOUD COMPUTINGSecurity As Service: 4 Reasons For IT Security From The Cloud

Security As Service: 4 Reasons For IT Security From The Cloud

Security As Service: Adequate IT security is essential required for growing business development. At same time, worsening threat situation. To meet the challenges posed by security risks in the long term, companies are increasingly relying on security solutions from the cloud. Markus Kamen from Thymotic gives four important reasons companies should opt for Security as a Service (SECaaS).

Security As A Service: Predictable Costs Thanks To The Subscription Model

One of the main reasons to move security solutions to the cloud is their flexible cost structure. Since resources are only rented in the sense of a subscription model, costs for hardware and software, but above all, installation, maintenance, upgrade, or depreciation costs are eliminated. In this way, up-front investments and long-term operating and maintenance costs can be sustainably reduced. Small and medium-sized companies in particular benefit from the lower acquisition and total costs and the flexible cost structure, as they usually have a limited security budget, but at the same time, they are increasingly the focus of cyberattacks.

More Flexibility And Higher Scalability

Also not to be underestimated is the increased flexibility that Security as a Service offers companies. Since new servers can be provided or applications can be scaled on-demand within minutes, as required, companies can react quickly and efficiently to changing market conditions and intensified threat landscape or new regulatory requirements. Since the rollouts of cloud solutions can usually be completed much faster and more efficiently than with most on-premises solutions, IT departments can react quickly to cyberattacks, identify security gaps or changes in the threat situation.

Security As A Service: Higher Reliability

The user-friendliness and increased reliability compared to on-premises solutions also impress IT departments with Security from the cloud. The fact is that with cloud solutions, program updates do not have to be downloaded and installed yourself but are carried out automatically, and the associated loads such as failures, interruptions, or resource demands are eliminated.

This guarantees companies high availability of the most up-to-date and stable security solutions – without the need for their resources. In this way, it avoids failures that cyberattacks could misuse. Some SECaaS services also have disaster recovery functions so that no additional effort has to be made for backup processes.

Security Know-How Despite A Shortage Of Skilled Workers

To cope with the challenges of the worsening threat landscape and, in particular, the lack of technical resources and specialist know-how, more and more companies obtain their SECaaS solutions from Managed Security Service Providers, MSSPs for short. They support them in the implementation and monitoring of their security systems.

The fact is that companies with MSSPs are supported by specialists who have proven and long-term expertise in all areas of IT security. In contrast, IT departments often have other core competencies or are otherwise busy. Since all security incidents and threats from all customers come together and are forensically investigated at the MSSPs, they can draw a complete picture of the threats and align the security strategy accordingly. In this way, companies benefit from a more effective and more secure IT infrastructure.

Security As A Service: Data Security In The Cloud

With all the advantages that MSSPs and especially SECaaS solutions bring to companies, there are still concerns about outsourcing security software to the cloud. IT managers continue to fear losing control of sensitive data and possible compliance problems, as a current survey by Thymotic at this year’s European Identity Cloud (EIC) Conference in Munich has shown. For specific sectors, such as the financial sector, data protection laws and regulations prohibit or make it more challenging to store sensitive data, such as PII outside of the company’s servers or outside certain countries.

However, more and more providers are reacting to this limitation by making their solutions available via data centers on different continents and locally in different countries. When working with MSSPs, according to a current EIC study, IT security managers see the dependency on third-party providers as a disadvantage or fear a significant decline in cybersecurity know-how in their own company, the latter through regular training and further education Employees can be prevented.

SECaaS solutions and MSSP services offer companies flexibility and dynamism, support them in their growth and offer them precisely the expertise they need to survive the fight against cyber threats in times of skills shortages.

ALSO READ: Cyber ​​security: 5 key predictions for 2021

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